Tuesday, February 26, 2008


上星期与朋友到Mid Velly 的Kim Gary去叙旧,朋友点了石头饭。看上去是很可口而且吃的时候口还会冒烟。真的很热。现在很多餐厅都很讲究素质。而且环境也很舒服和悠闲,往往让人想在那儿呆上一端时间。至于Kim Gary,食物还算不错,而且服务员也蛮敬业。值得去享受享受。但是,绝对不要选择假期时才去。因为人多,我不觉得你到时会有那个心情去享受。

Kim Gary,which is a nice place to relax.My friend just ordered something called "HARD ROCK SEAFOOD RICE".haha...it looks good,but i dont know about the taste.I like the outlook especially. Actually many restaurants have the same foods n drinks,start to feel boring.Why can't they create their own menu?Seem like copying other people's concept.Hope to see something different...pls...create some unique foods n drinks for ur own restaurant.

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